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Bring your own Brain! - Kids T-Shirt

Bring your own Brain! - Kids T-Shirt

Regular price CHF 23.97
Regular price Sale price CHF 23.97
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Design description "Bring your own Brain":

Ladies and Ladymen,

People bring their own device to work: But it's insane, many completely forget their brain! 😳

They program, talk fancy, dress casual, look smart. 🧐

But apart, their actual stupidity is hart, let their brain restart! 🫣

Many people are tooo intellectual, but miss true intelligence.🙈


But even with brain and device, the cognitive ability is not wise. 🙄

Cause everything is in vain, if they cannot use their brain! 😬

Stop being stupidly insane, let your wisdom reign. 💪


Text backside:

Please bring and use your brain,

otherwise your life is in vain (🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️).

Don't be insane, let wisdom reign 🧠.

An idiot wouldn't be an idiot,

if the idiot would know

why the idiot is an idiot (🤦‍♀️🤦).


Produkt-Beschreibung Kids T-Shirt (Unisex):

100 % ringgesponnene Baumwolle, Leichter Stoff 150 g/m²), Klassische Passform, Abreißetikett.

Herstellung in und Lieferung aus Halle/Saale ('Schland).


Groessentabelle T-Shirt:

Weite, cm 35.56 40.64 43.18 45.72 48.26
Laenge, cm 45.72 52.07 55.88 59.69 63.50
Ärmellänge, cm 29.21 34.29 36.83 39.37 41.91



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